Celebrities come unstuck | Blog | Duerr's



Hugh’s indiscretion is named as most memorable sticky celeb moment

Celebrities love to grab the limelight but there are certain situations that they would like to see swept under the carpet of shame! However, Hugh Grant’s sticky situation with hooker Divine Brown will never die according to a new survey published today.

Jam and marmalade makers Duerr’s, questioned over 3000 people across the UK to mark their 125th birthday.

Hollywood hottie Paris Hilton was a close second with 20% of the votes for with her infamous home video while political plonker John Prescott came third due to his infamous right hook.

Judy Finnigan’s National Television Awards expose beat Wayne Rooney’s brothel creep to fourth place and it was a true case of rock and roll with Kate Moss’s recent drug taking fending off George Michael’s public toilet arrest to take sixth place.

David Beckham put the boot in with 7% of the votes for his romance with PA Rebecca Loos beating Angus Deaton’s tabloid scandal of sex and drugs, which saw him, get sacked from the BBC. Last but certainly not least was Wacko Jacko with his unusual antic of dangling his baby out of his hotel window.

Top Ten Most Memorable Sticky Situations:

  1. Hugh Grant and Davine Brown – 22%
  2. Paris Hilton’s home made video – 20%
  3. John Prescott’s right hook – 14%
  4. Judy Finnigan’s expose at the TV awards – 12%
  5. Wayne Rooney’s visit to a Liverpool brothel – 10%
  6. Kate Moss drug scandal – 9%
  7. George Michael’s cottaging arrest – 6%
  8. David Beckham’s affair with Rebecca Loos – 4%
  9. Angus Deayton’s sex and drug scandal – 2%
  10. Michael Jackson’s child dangling – 1%

Richard Duerr, Head of Sales and Marketing comments: “This light hearted survey shows that celebrity scandal never dies, poor Hugh will always be remembered for the Divine Brown incident – but looking at the list it hasn’t done any harm to their careers!”

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