Duerr’s Cash For Kids Bake Offs, which took place across Manchester last week, have helped raise £88,000 (and counting!) for Key 103 and their Wythenshawe (UHSM) Hospital Outpatients Department campaign!
As passionate bakers Duerr’s encouraged as many people as possible to host a cake sale or coffee morning on 26th April to raise vital cash. To lend a hand, Duerr’s provided the first 200 companies, schools or individuals, who registered their details with jars of jam. That enabled fundraisers across Manchester to hold a cake sale packed full of firm bottoms and sticky moments which did the patron saint of baking – Mary Berry – proud.
With the final donations still coming in, the money raised will enable the transformation of a concrete wasteland into a garden area to be used by 8,000 children.
In October, six-year-old Hamish was crowned our Official Peamutt Butter Taster. We’ve asked Hamish for a few fun facts about
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