Jaffa Loaf %%sep%

Jaffa Loaf

This recipe for jaffa load is a must for any self respecting marmalade lover…

3 tbsps Duerr’s Sunny Seville Fine Cut marmalade
150g tub 0% fat plain yogurt
3 medium eggs
175g golden caster sugar
175g spreadable butter
175g self-raising flour
30g cocoa powder
½ tsp baking powder
Zest of 1 large orange

For the glaze:
Juice of ½ an orange
5 tbsps Duerr’s Sunny Seville Fine Cut marmalade
22 x 8cm continental loaf tin or 900g loaf tin, buttered and strip-lined

Set the oven to 160°C/325°F/Gas Mark 3. Warm the marmalade, beat in the yogurt and set aside.
Beat the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl until smooth. Quickly beat in the yogurt and spoon the mixture into the tin.

Bake for about 1¼ hours or until a skewer, when inserted, comes out clean. Check loaf after an hour.

Leave in the tin for 10 mins to cool. Make holes in it with the skewer.

To make the glaze: Bring the orange juice to the boil in a small pan, then add the marmalade and heat until bubbling and smooth. Spoon it over the cake. Leave to cool in the tin.

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