Ditch Townsend, aged 49 from Devon, is a self proclaimed Cream Tea connoisseur. Having taken a sabbatical from his work in care, he has dedicated his life to divulging the secrets of the perfect cream tea due to his love for them. Unsurprisingly he prefers the Devon method of applying cream before jam, but he reckons the key is not in the order of the application but in the flavour of the jam. Although commonly used, strawberry is not infact the best flavour for the job and he recommends blackcurrant. He also adds that bits are best, so those on the quest for the perfect cream tea should avoid smooth jam. Having tested 250 cream teas so far we’re thinking he might know a thing or two and possibly its time to swap the strawberry for the blackcurrant!



For years we have struggled through afternoon tea attempting to refine our technique and produce the perfect cream tea. Well now we have it! Boffins have been hard at work to determine the exact formula. Previously it was determined that the perfect ratio was 2:1:1, the scone should weigh 70g and both the jam and cream should weigh 35g. But food scientist, Dr Stuart Farrimond and baker Mich Turner disputed this and after much deliberation they agree the formula is 4:3:3. That is 40g of scone, topped with 30g each of jam and cream. Now all you have to decide is whether to have it Devon style, or Cornish style! Read more here goo.gl/uQOVtx


Duerr's Vaccum Sealed Jars

Although many manufacturers were still using cardboard caps and paper tissue for jam jars in 1955, from as early as 1905 Fred Duerr was pioneering the method of vacuum sealing jars – the process allowed the jam to keep indefinitely. Our Chairman, Tony Duerr has two vacuum packed jars from 1903 in his office. The jam should still be edible… but so far he has resisted the temptation to compare the flavour with today’s batch!


Today is the first National Cream Tea Day, created by the Cream Tea Society and supported by Frances Quinn from the Great British Bakeoff.

As part of this day the Yorkshire Building Society will be aiming to break the World Record for the biggest Cream Tea. Make sure to keep an eye out for this and their Cream Tea Ascot Hat!

Why not try our Oyster Sponge recipe – the perfect addition to your afternoon tea!
