Duerr’s Raise The ‘Woof’ With £35,000 Donation For Medical Detection Dogs

Duerr's raise the 'woof' with £35,000 charity donation for Medical Detection Dogs

Dr Claire Guest, Mark Duerr, Jade, Holly and Snowy

Duerr’s offer a new ‘leash’ on life after raising over £35,000 for Medical Detection Dogs.

The money, raised following the Manchester based preserves and peanut butter producers’ annual ball, will provide essential resources to acquire and train three new puppies for the charity, to detect the odour of human disease.

Honey, Peanut and Berry, named after Duerr’s famous preserves, are three of the new pooches who will be trained to detect early signs of human disease, through identifying odour changes associated with complex medical conditions.

Mark Duerr, Managing Director of Duerr’s comments: “Each year we select a charity that inspires us. With the money raised at the Duerr’s ball, we have been able to provide enough funds to train three new dogs who will help change lives, detect illness from an early stage and assist those in need on a daily basis. With no government support or grants, this deserving charity relies on public donations.”

Dr Claire Guest, CEO and Director of Operations for Medical Detection Dogs says: “This donation and support from Duerr’s for the Medical Detection Dogs will help us continue our research and train more dogs to assist individuals, ultimately detecting illness early and saving more lives in Manchester and around the UK.”

Top Tips to Jazz Up a Duerr’s Jam Jar

Spring has sprung and summer is on its way, so why not brighten up your home with a pretty posy in your used Duerr’s jam jar?

Here are our top tips for jazzing up a Duerr’s jam jar:

  • Firstly, you need to make sure you wash out all of our beautifully sticky jam from the empty jar. We know it’s delicious but flowers aren’t so keen!
  • You can choose whether to remove the label or not. If you do decide to take it off, the best way to get off any stubborn pieces of paper is to soak the jar in warm soapy water.
  • Once dry, carefully wrap some brown string around the neck of the jar for that rustic farmhouse look.
  • Measure your favourite flowers against the height of the jar so that the heads will emerge gracefully, then trim the stems accordingly. Remember, if you cut the stems diagonally the plants find it easier to take the water.
  • Arrange your flowers until you’re happy, and then place your new vase somewhere special.
Top Tips to jazz up a Duerr's Jam Jar

Why not brighten up your home with a pretty posy in your used Duerr’s jam jars?

Manchester is Peanut Butter Capital of the UK

Duerr’s Celebrate 25 Years of Peanut Butter

Manchester may be famous for the first computer, the nation’s first free public library and the meeting of Rolls and Royce – but now the city can be proud to take a new crown – as the biggest producer of peanut butter in the UK.

After 25 years of production, Duerr’s (F Duerr and Sons) is celebrating their nutty credentials as the UK’s largest producer of peanut butter, with 150,000 jars of the healthy spread rolling off the production line every day at its purpose built factory in Wythenshawe.

The family company, best known for making marmalade and jam, started producing for Whole Earth and supermarket own labels a quarter of a century ago from its former site on Prestage Street in Old Trafford. As demand for the spread grew, the company expanded to produce for all the major UK retailers before launching their first branded Duerr’s range, made from all American peanuts, in 2012 (available at Tesco).

The boom in demand for peanut butter drove the company, now run by fifth generation brothers Mark and Richard Duerr, to invest £2.6m in a new purpose built production and storage centre on Dallimore Road directly opposite their main building on the Roundthorn Industrial Estate, Wythenshawe. The new facility has increased capacity and since production started in late 2011, new orders have followed.

The UK peanut butter market is now worth £56 million a year and has reported a 20 per cent rise in sales over the past two years, according to research house Mintel, which the Duerr’s family attribute to the growing awareness of the health benefits of the snack.

Peanut butter is one of the richest sources of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats – it’s also low in saturated fat and an excellent source of protein to keep you feeling full for longer, fibre for bowel health and folate which can protect against colon cancer and heart disease, says Catherine Collins, chief dietician at St George’s hospital in London.

The nuts are thought to help reduce inflammation in the body and boost the health of blood vessels around the heart. Harvard Medical School researchers recently reported that snacking on peanut butter five days a week can nearly halve the risk of a heart attack.

Even better, these health benefits seem to occur without promoting weight gain – researchers found that people eat less after a snack of peanut butter compared with other snacks.

F Duerr and Sons has been making spreads and preserves in Manchester since 1881. The business, started by Mary Duerr making jam in her own kitchen as husband Frederick sold the jars to the local Co-Op, has grown into a multimillion pound business, employing 240 local people and turning over £64.4m. In its last company accounts, the business reported a 9.3% increase in turnover and a year on year volume increase of 7%.

Mark Duerr, managing director of Duerr’s, comments: “These are record times for peanut butter in the UK and as the biggest producer of the spread, we wanted to celebrate.

We are proud to have played a part in peanut butter’s rise in this country, with more than a third of households now buying it on a regular basis. It’s another American classic that’s taken root over here and with growth of around five per cent year on year, demand isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.”

Nutty facts:


  • Duerr’s purchase 20 billion peanuts per year to keep the production lines rolling – that’s enough to fill 5 Olympic sized swimming pools or if laid end to end would stretch to the moon!
  • In the UK, crunchy outsells smooth by 60:40
  • There are approx. 500 peanuts packed into a standard jar of peanut butter.
  • Peanuts have more protein, niacin, folate and phytosterols than any nut.
  • Peanuts and peanut butter contain over 30 essential nutrients and phytonutrients.
  • Peanuts are naturally cholesterol-free.


Crumbs… Tell-Tale Personality Traits Revealed in How You Eat Your Toast

Quintessential British breakfast unlocks the key to your soul

What your Toast says about you










Academics have revealed that your personality and your ideal love match can be determined by how you eat your toast in the morning.

That simple act of spreading a knife across toast before you dash out the door to work is actually a giveaway sign as to whether you’re a natural leader, a follower, laid back or a bit of a control freak.

Marmalade makers Duerr’s teamed up with breakfast bedfellows Roberts Bakery to commission the study which evaluated how people preferred the thickness of the bread, the choice of their spread, if they liked to double dip (butter knife in the jam jar) and if it is served hot or cold among other criteria.

From this, the academics were able to identify 15 well-recognised personality types including: tribe leader, thrill seeker, perfectionist, protector and YOLO (you only live once).

Applying some digital wizardry to the science, they have created an online tool available at www.marmaladeandtoast.co.uk.

What’s more, the test will help identify if the person sitting opposite you this morning is your future love match – or will last as long as your last round of toast. Analysis of their toast and marmalade eating behaviour will enable you to cut through any early-date ‘best behaviour’ to get to the heart of what you need to know. Is this the man or woman for you?

One thing’s for certain: you will never look at the people you share your breakfast table with at home, work or in the café, in the same way again.

The tool was developed by Senior Psychology Lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire, Dr Sandi Mann, by analysing possible subconscious motives that prompt even the simplest of choices.

Dr Sandi Mann said: “How we eat our toast and marmalade might seem intuitive, but the fact is we each individually make a series of choices at breakfast – based on learnt preferences, innate behaviour and conditioned learning – which could underscore your personality type.”

Tim Wild, Commercial Director at Roberts Bakery, comments: “We’ve seen a huge rise in our sales of Roberts 50% White 50% Wholemeal which suggests – initially – we’re a nation of angels. Yet it’s the personal touches we each instinctively make from the moment we put a slice of bread in the toaster, that subconsciously reveals so much of the inner you – before you’ve had a chance to finish your first cup of coffee.”

Richard Duerr, Sales and Marketing Director at Duerr’s, adds: “Bread and marmalade are staples of life, which means we all incorporate them in our idiosyncratic way. The Duerr’s family has been evaluating their future love matches using the breakfast test for years – morning harmony simply can’t be achieved when one of you likes to double dip and the other sulks over getting butter in the jam. Best to know as early as possible so you can make your excuses and leave!”

Visit www.marmaladeandtoast.co.uk to take the test.


Duerr’s Launch Rhubarb & Custard Bake Stable Jam


Be like a kid in a sweet shop with the UK’s first-ever jam for bakers available now!

Making burnt bottoms and chewy tarts a thing of the past, the preserves, specially developed for domestic ovens, ensures jam retains its smooth and glossy consistency when heated. As a result you are guaranteed a moist jammy filling that does justice to your bake, with a professional finish that would make Mary Berry, patron saint of bakers, proud.

Perfect for tarts, roly poly and sponge puddings, the innovative bake-stable formula has been developed by renowned innovators Duerr’s – the UK’s oldest family owned jam company.

The fruit-packed jams are also ideal straight from the jar and the easy-to-spread texture provides a must-try filling for sponges and cakes, in addition to a lip smacking topping for toast.

Richard Duerr, Marketing Director, says: “This is the Age of the Baker. But while one in seven of us are going bonkers on a weekly basis for firm bottoms, the market – until now -lacked a bake stable jam to deliver results to the standards exacted by our country of skilled enthusiasts. Our home baking jam not only responds to that demand but, with its purposefully inventive flavours, appeals to the experimental spirit of British bakers.”

The Manchester-based jam maker, established in 1881, is well known for creating exciting products; most recently celebrating Valentine’s Day with a cheeky Aphrodisiac Jam, the first product to be sold exclusively via their website, and the world’s most expensive marmalade, costing £5,000 for a 1kg jar.  This year they launched their first branded peanut butter, in smooth and crunchy.

Available in Aldi Stores.

The Lifeguard Periscope featured in The Times

Edgar Duerr’s Lifeguard Periscope was given pride of place in a feature written by The Times.

The invention was highlighted as a leading example of the huge industrial contribution the region made to the war effort.

Duerr’s have released a limited edition run of the lifesaving instrument designed by Edgar Duerr to mark the 100th anniversary of the Great War. Priced at £65, 25% of all profits will be donated to charity.

