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It’s National Jelly Filled Doughnut Day and we’re making Rhubarb & custard flavoured doughnuts! Did you know Jelly (or jam here in the UK) doughnuts come in different varieties? There are German, Australian, British, Israeli, American and Canadian – but the strangest are the Japanese called Anpan which are filled with red bean paste.


How we raised £10,000 for charity

Over the years we’ve always been involved in raising money for charities. But did you know in 1989 our Chairman, Tony Duerr, with the aid of an aircraft and seven friends, raised £10,00 for charity by playing four full rounds of golf in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England…in one day!! They began at 4:00am and finished at 10:00pm, now that’s good going!



Duerr's Periscope

Duerr’s Periscope

A periscope invented in World War I has raised thousands of pounds for injured soldiers a century later.

To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the Great War, the UK’s oldest family owned jam and marmalade makers, Duerr’s, released a limited edition remake of ‘The Lifeguard Periscope’ invented by Edgar Duerr, a second generation family member.

The replicas proved so popular that more than £1,500 was raised – which Manchester-based Duerr’s have chosen to donate to Help for Heroes, enabling today’s injured service personnel to benefit from a device invented to protect their predecessors in the trenches.

Mark Duerr, Managing Director of Duerr’s and Edgar’s great-great-great nephew, comments: “Soldiering may have changed beyond recognition in the past century, but the bravery and innovation of those who go on the front line remains constant. That’s why we’re sure Edgar would have been proud to see that his invention was still able to help soldiers a century later through the funds it has raised for Help for Heroes.

“We are very proud to have something like this in our family history and equally proud that it can make a difference several generations later.”

A spokesperson from Help for Heroes, comments: “Every donation makes a difference to the lives of our wounded, injured and sick personnel, including reservists, veterans and their families. It feels especially appropriate for today’s service personnel to receive support from sales of a periscope first designed in World War I.

“We are very grateful to Duerr’s for their support and to everyone who purchased one of the Lifeguard Periscopes.”

Edgar Duerr

Edgar Duerr


Duerr’s Raise The ‘Woof’ With £35,000 Donation For Medical Detection Dogs

Duerr's raise the 'woof' with £35,000 charity donation for Medical Detection Dogs

Dr Claire Guest, Mark Duerr, Jade, Holly and Snowy

Duerr’s offer a new ‘leash’ on life after raising over £35,000 for Medical Detection Dogs.

The money, raised following the Manchester based preserves and peanut butter producers’ annual ball, will provide essential resources to acquire and train three new puppies for the charity, to detect the odour of human disease.

Honey, Peanut and Berry, named after Duerr’s famous preserves, are three of the new pooches who will be trained to detect early signs of human disease, through identifying odour changes associated with complex medical conditions.

Mark Duerr, Managing Director of Duerr’s comments: “Each year we select a charity that inspires us. With the money raised at the Duerr’s ball, we have been able to provide enough funds to train three new dogs who will help change lives, detect illness from an early stage and assist those in need on a daily basis. With no government support or grants, this deserving charity relies on public donations.”

Dr Claire Guest, CEO and Director of Operations for Medical Detection Dogs says: “This donation and support from Duerr’s for the Medical Detection Dogs will help us continue our research and train more dogs to assist individuals, ultimately detecting illness early and saving more lives in Manchester and around the UK.”